Javier Gutiérrez, Leonor Watiling and Carlos Scholz star in a romantic comedy with great costumes and real sets, but without being “a stiff period series”.

The new miniseries by Cristóbal Garrido and Adolfo Valor, La vida breve, was presented on the first day of the South Series in Cádiz, with the participation of actors, directors and producers. The series, produced by Movistar+ in collaboration with Zeta Studios, is a romantic comedy about the brief and intense reign of Luis I, played by Carlos Scholz, son of Felipe V (Javier Gutiérrez) and his conspirator stepmother (Leonor Waitling). Valor stressed that they came to this story by chance, since it is a very short and unknown period in the history of the monarchy. And in relation to the script, he made it clear that they wanted to “tell the story in the most honest way possible”. In this same sense, Garrido has tried to extract “everything that happened and is happening in history”, but fleeing from “a stiff period series”. As the executive producer, Susana Herrera, has pointed out, what has been sought is to make “a classic series, but with a modern approach”. Javier Gutiérrez, who repeats with the same directors, praised the work of the creators, highlighting that “when the script is well written, half the work is done”. For her part, Leonor Watling, who plays the role of Isabel de Farnesio, emphasized the role of the woman “who has many things to say”, since she takes charge of the complicated situation that the monarchy experienced after the death of Felipe V de Borbón. In addition to the story itself, both the costumes and the locations of the miniseries have stood out, highlighting the collaboration of Patrimonio Nacional. Period costumes and filming locations such as El Pardo or La Granja de San Ildefonso, introduce viewers fully into the royal court of the 18th century. “In Spain we are used to a comedy having a low budget and it should not be like that”, said Watling herself, detailing the importance given in this case to the wardrobe. The miniseries, which premieres this afternoon at the Palacio de Congresos, consists of six 30-minute chapters, also directed by Diego Núñez, and will be broadcast next year.
South International Series Festival is a private initiative, co-financed by the Feder Andalucía 2021-2027 Program and the Junta de Andalucía, with the City Council of Cádiz and the Diputación de Cádiz as official entities. It also counts with the participation of Mediaset España as media sponsor; Movistar Plus+, Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz and Spain Film Commission, Fundación Unicaja, Andalucía Film Comission and Rims Mobility as sponsor; and with the collaboration of Canal Sur Radio and Television, Iberia and Cultura Inquieta, with the financing of CREA SGR, and Renfe as sponsor. Official Train. The last tickets for each of the dates can be purchased at www.southseriesfest.com