The Festival Director, Joan Álvarez, reviewed the actress’ career highlighting her great successes such as ‘Farmacia de Guardia’, ‘Pepa y Pepe’ or ‘Aquí no hay quien viva’.

The actress María Adánez, recognized in this edition with the HONORARY SISF MEMBER AWARD, highlighted on the first day of South, that this award “is received as a hug” and is an honor because “it values my career”, but also on an emotional level, since her mother is from Cádiz. The welcome was given by the director of South, Joan Álvarez, highlighting what it means to make “quality” television. About Adánez, the director stressed that he is “a mainstay of television creativity in Spain in the last 40 years”. With Ricky García as the conductor of the interview, María Adánez has made a journey through her professional career from her beginnings when she was just a child, to her return to work today, through her great successes: Farmacia de Guardia, Pepa y Pepe or Aquí no hay quien viva. “From the first moment I was on a set I fit into an adult profession,” said the actress, recalling her first works such as Mar brava or Crónicas urbanas. In her first appearances on the big screen she surrounded herself with “the big hits of the time”, until her first big appearance on the small screen. “Farmacia de Guardia was the first sitcom in the history of Spanish television and she had the pleasure of learning the trade with Mercero,” the actress pointed out. Quoting the director of the famous series, Adánez stressed that “we actors are the great shy ones, although it may not seem so, and with Mercero I learned a lot to overcome it”. After her time in other works, such as the great success of Pepa y Pepe, the actress was offered the role in Aquí no hay quien viva. A “groundbreaking” series that connected so well with people because the protagonists were “loosers” and in Spain “we recognize ourselves immediately with the losers”. On the other hand, from this series he emphasized that young people “learned homosexuality in a natural way, without great artifices”. Adánez admits that when the series ended, she felt an emptiness The actress and the director of South reviewed the current world of the series and how television actors have wanted prestige as those of the cinema and theater. The actress will receive the award at the Inaugural Gala of South Series Festival that will be held this afternoon at the Palacio de Congresos de Cádiz.
South International Series Festival is a private initiative, co-financed by the Feder Andalucía 2021-2027 Program and the Junta de Andalucía, with the City Council of Cádiz and the Diputación de Cádiz as official entities. It also counts with the participation of Mediaset España as media sponsor; Movistar Plus+, Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz and Spain Film Commission, Fundación Unicaja, Andalucía Film Comission and Rims Mobility as sponsor; and with the collaboration of Canal Sur Radio and Television, Iberia and Cultura Inquieta, with the financing of CREA SGR, and Renfe as sponsor. Official Train. The last tickets for each of the dates can be purchased at