
Opening: La vida breve

25 October, 2024
19:30 - 22:00
Auditorio. Palacio de Congresos

Opening gala 2024 edition

Official Fiction Section

Season 1


Episode 1 – 30′
Episode 2 – 30′
Episode 3 – 30′

VO in Spanish with English subtitles.

Image module


Like any young person, Luis is about to experience great changes. He is forced to marry an unknown cousin and inherit the Spanish throne. In the middle of the 18th century, this would be a happy episode in the life of any prince. In the mid-18th century, this would be a happy episode in the life of any prince, but not Louis. Louis I (Carlos Scholz) has to start his reign surrounded by a rebellious wife (Louise of Orleans, Alicia Armenteros), an estranged father (Philip V, Javier Gutiérrez) and a conniving stepmother (Isabella of Farnese, Leonor Watling). Fortunately for him, his troubles are soon over.


Technical sheet

Country of production: Spain
Format: 6×30′.
Created by: Cristóbal Garrido, Adolfo Valor
Director: Diego Núñez Irigoyen, Adolfo Valor
DoP: María Codina
Executive Producers: Cristóbal Garrido, Adolfo Valor, Antonio Asensio, Paloma Molina and Susana Herreras
Production company: Movistar Plus+ in collaboration with Zeta Studios
International sales:
Movistar Plus+ International


Leonor Watling, Javier Gutiérrez, Alicia Armenteros, Carlos Scholz.