The team of ‘La Vida Breve’, starring Leonor Watling and Javier Gutiérrez, opened a red carpet full of familiar faces on the first day of the festival.

This Town, Asuntos Internos, Detective Touré, Paco de Lucía. Flamenco Legacy, Mágico, La que se avecina or Muertos S.L., are some of the titles that mark the weekend programming.
Saturday, October 26, 2024. The iconic actress María Adánez was recognized yesterday with the HONORARY SISF MEMBER AWARD during the Inaugural Gala of South International Series Festival 2024, being this an award that she received as an embrace for valuing her professional career. The actress from Madrid said that she was especially excited to receive this award here because of the close ties that bind her to this land due to her mother’s origin in Cádiz. The welcome was given by the director of South, Joan Álvarez, who defined Adánez as “a mainstay of television creativity in Spain in the last 40 years”. Together they made a tour of her professional career, from her beginnings when she was just a child, to her return to work today, including her great successes:
Farmacia de Guardia, Pepa y Pepe or Aquí no hay quien viva. “From the first moment I was on a set I fit into an adult profession,” said the actress, recalling her first works such as Mar brava or Crónicas urbanas. In her first appearances on the big screen she was surrounded by “the big hits of the time”, until her first big appearance on the small screen. “Farmacia de Guardia was the first sitcom in the history of Spanish television and I had the pleasure of learning the trade with Mercero,” the actress remarked. Quoting the director of the famous series, Adánez stressed that “we actors are the great shy ones, although it may not seem so, and with Mercero I learned a lot to overcome it”. After her time in other works, such as the great success of Pepa y Pepe, the actress was offered the role in Aquí no hay quien viva. A “groundbreaking” series that connected so well with people because the protagonists were “loosers” and in Spain “we recognize ourselves immediately with the losers”. On the other hand, from this series he emphasized that young people “learned homosexuality in a natural way, without great artifices”. Adánez recognizes that when she finished the series, she felt an emptiness The actress received the award within the Inaugural Gala of South International Series Festival, which was celebrated yesterday evening in the Palacio de Congresos of Cádiz, counting on the presentation realized by Elena Furiase, Daniel Grao and María Bestar, and other protagonists and participants in the same one, like Toñi Moreno or Antonio Fernández Montoya “Farru”, having the gala to Cadiz like great protagonist, and realizing an audio-visual review to the important programming that will be developed in South during the next days. Prior to the gala, a large number of well-known faces unveiled a red carpet on which the protagonists of each day will parade daily. Javier Gutiérrez, Leonor Watling, Carlos Scholz, Toñi Moreno, Niña Pastori, Malcolm Treviño-Sitté or Urko Olazabal were just some of the professionals who posed for the press and delighted hundreds of people from Cadiz who lined this inaugural carpet. After the opening day, the titles
This Town, Internal Affairs, Detective Touré, Gadir, the resurgence of the Phoenicians, Nautilus, ‘Paco de Lucía. Flamenco Legacy, Pancho Villa. El centauro del Norte, Mágico, The Offer, La que se avecina, Muertos S.L., Sea Shadows, Nautilus, El hijo zurdo, S.A.C. en la mente criminal, Rivages, Dieciocho and (In)visibles, are the titles that complete the program for the first weekend of South 2024. Tickets for those sessions that are not yet sold out can be purchased at
South International Series Festival is a private initiative, co-financed by the Feder Andalucía 2021-2027 Program and the Junta de Andalucía, with the City Council of Cádiz and the Diputación de Cádiz as official entities. It also counts with the participation of Mediaset España as media sponsor; Movistar Plus+, Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz and Spain Film Commission, Unicaja Foundation, Andalucía Film Commission and Rims Mobility as sponsor; and with the collaboration of Canal Sur Radio and Television, Iberia and Cultura Inquieta, with the financing of CREA SGR , and with Renfe as Official Train.