
Terms and conditions

Introduction and purpose.

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions of Business and Privacy (hereinafter referred to as: “the Terms and Conditions”) govern the registration (hereinafter referred to as: “the Registration”) with SOUTH INTERNATIONAL SERIES FESTIVAL 2023 (the: “Festival”), Womack Integrated Marketing S.L. (hereinafter also referred to as “the Organizer”).

1.2. The Organizer is responsible for the contractual offer, with address for these purposes at Avda Montesierra 34 Planta 1ª – Modulo B, 41007 – Sevilla, with CIF B72267917 and e-mail for these purposes: info@womackgroup.es.

1.3. The attendee is the person who duly registers for the Festival, whether or not he/she belongs to the Organizer, must be over eighteen (18) years of age, and must have full capacity to enter into binding contracts.

1.4. Acceptance of these General Conditions is a necessary condition for registration to the Festival.

1.5. Registration procedures:

1.5.1. Within the form provided for this purpose on the website you must enter your personal data, select the type of registration, complete the registration form, read and accept these General Terms and Conditions and be validated by the Organizer; once the above steps have been conveniently completed, the registration process will be completed.

1.5.2. Archiving and accessibility of the electronic document: These Conditions will remain published on the website available to the USER for reproduction and storage as confirmation of the contract.

Acceptance of this document implies that the USER:

– You have read, understand and comprehend the above.

– Is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.

– Assumes all obligations set forth herein.

The Organizer will file the electronic document where the registration is formalized and will keep it at the USER’s disposal in case he/she requests it.

1.5.3. Identify and correct data entry errors: once the contracting process has been completed, you may send an e-mail to the following address: info@southseriesfest.com to request that the data you consider appropriate be corrected.

1.5.4. Language: the language in which the contract will be formalized is Spanish.

Date and place of the Festival.

2.1. SOUTH INTERNATIONAL SERIES FESTIVAL 2023 will take place between October 6 and 12, 2023 in different locations in the city of Cadiz.

3. Characteristics.

3.1. Places are limited and will be allocated within the period set aside for this purpose in strict order of registration or capacity, depending on the nature of the activity.

3.2. The registration gives access to the different sections of the Festival, which will be different depending on the type of registration: student, industry or press.

4. Prices and registration.

4.1. Registration for INDUSTRY. Until 11:55 p.m. on October 5, 2023, registrations will be free of charge and will include the fees specified therein.

4.2. PRESS registration. Until 11:55 p.m. on September 30, 2023, registrations will be free of charge and will include the fees specified therein.

4.3. Registration for AUDIOVISUAL STUDENTS. Until 11:55 p.m. on September 30, 2023, registrations will be free of charge and will include the fees specified therein.

4.4. Only one registration per attendee is allowed and it is non-transferable.

4.5. Given the different types of registration, the Organizer reserves the right to verify the data and information provided by the attendee in order to be able to verify them.

In the latter case, the applicant authorizes, with the acceptance of these conditions of registration, the Organizer or its collaborators in the organization of the Festival, to obtain information necessary for such verification.

5. Registration procedure

5.1. The registration process begins with the selection of the type of Registration and the completion of the Registration form.

Once the above steps have been duly completed, the registration application will be validated by the Organizer.

5.2. Before the beginning of the Festival, a personal accreditation in the name of the attendee will be handed out.

5.3 In order to gain access to the Festival, it will be necessary to show personal accreditation.

6. Right of withdrawal and cancellation of registration

6.1. Attendees have the right of withdrawal in accordance with the current legal regulations since it is an event dedicated to professionals and consumers and users.

7.2. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Festival in case of force majeure.

7. Incidents

7.1. In case of incidents, complaints, or if you have any questions, please send an e-mail to the following address and we will reply as soon as possible: info@southseriesfest.com

8. Exclusion of Liability

8.1. The Organizer declines any responsibility that may arise from the incorrect use of the online registration procedure by the attendees.

8.2. It also declines any responsibility for possible damages caused by third parties and not attributable to the Organizer.

8.3. The Organizer shall not be liable in case of interruptions of the services, delays, errors, malfunctioning of the same and, in general, other inconveniences that have their origin in causes beyond the control of the Organizer, and/or due to a fraudulent or negligent action of the user and/or that have their origin in causes of force majeure or fortuitous event.

9. Protection of personal data

9.1. Aspects relating to the processing of Users’ personal data in connection with the registration SOUTH INTERNATIONAL SERIES FESTIVAL 2023 are regulated in the Privacy Policy document, here.

10. Assignment of image rights.

10.1. On the occasion and during the celebration of the Festival it is possible that images of the attendees may be obtained through photographic sessions and/or video recordings, as well as by live broadcasting of the event in order to use them in publications, web pages, in the composition of graphic or videographic files, prepared to inform and/or publicize the services and activities of the Organizer. Unless otherwise indicated or unless the user objects, the attendee assigns to the Organizer, on an exclusive basis, with the right to transfer to third parties on an exclusive basis, all rights of exploitation of intellectual property of image in any form and, in particular, those of fixation, reproduction, direct or indirect, transformation, including translation, dubbing and adaptation, distribution, public communication and collection of the contents, in order to exploit them in any form known to date, including, among others, television exploitation (including, in the form of[T7] including, but not limited to, analog or digital television, cable, analog or digital satellite, pay TV, or any other type of broadcasting, transmission or retransmission, whether electronic, traditional, digital or analog), cinematographic, on any telecommunication network, national or international, proprietary or open, such as intranets or extranets, Internet, exploitation on any type of support (video, videodiscs, laser video, CD ROM, CDI, DVID, DVD ROM, mobile telephony and, more generally, on any known digital support (video, videodiscs, video, laser video, CD ROM, CDI, DVID, DVD ROM, mobile telephony and more generally of any known digital support), through merchandising, graphic editions – incorporating the contents, even individually, for the publication of articles, magazines and books – exploitation under advertising or promotional form, for sale, rental or loan, either individually or as a collection and through any marketing channel; for the whole world and until they enter the public domain. Likewise, he/she expressly authorizes The Organizers to use, incorporate and exploit his/her image, without territorial, modal and temporal limitation. The assignment of image exploitation rights is made without any financial remuneration. All this with the only exception and limitation of those uses or applications that could infringe the rights guaranteed in the Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, 1982, on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, Personal and Family Privacy and Personal Image.

10.2 In case of providing third party data during the registration process, it shall be the responsibility of the user to have informed them of all the provisions of this clause and to obtain their consent.

11. Validity of the contract

11.1. Should any of the clauses of these General Conditions be considered null and void or unenforceable, this shall not affect the remaining clauses, which shall remain in full force and effect.

12. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

12.1. As not expressly provided for, the rules of the Spanish legal system shall be applicable. In those cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility for the parties to submit to a jurisdiction, both parties, expressly waiving any other that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Cadiz (Spain).

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