The organization makes a “very positive” balance of an event that has generated more than 51 million euros in communication value alone, pending to know in the coming days the audit of the socio-economic impact on Cadiz and region, and having gathered more than 200 personalities from the film world in their carpets.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024-. The II edition of South International Series Festivalwhich ended on Thursday, October 31, already has the first official data from its balance 2024: 21,000 attendees, 3,770 accredited guests, a communication value of more than 51 million euros, and more than 200 personalities from the television and audiovisual world passing through its carpet, are some of the main numbers that the organization can share in this balance sheet, data that, despite the suspension of various quotations The Festival’s last days and the storm prevented many spectators and even speakers from attending the Festival, reconfirm how the seriéfila appointment begins to consolidate within the audiovisual map of our country, as well as the perfect union between South and the city of Cadiz, all this after only two editions.
Precisely in this sense, José Carlos Conde, CEO of Womack, said José Carlos Conde, CEO of Womack, the Festival’s production company, who expressed his satisfaction with the figures achieved in this 2024, at the same time that he has endorsed his commitment “to continue promoting Cádiz as a long-term stage for the South International Series Festival, something in which the public administrations also believe in. and for which we will continue working. We can already announce that in the next 2025 Cadiz will once again be the stage for the programming of South, which will be held between September 12 and 17″. . Conde also wanted to clarify that “.such is the Womack’s commitment to Cádizthat in very few days we will be able to announce a new and great project that we will have in the city, a a huge investment that will have a very positive impact on the daily life of the capital city.“.
Among the different figures, it is worth highlighting the total of 3,770 accredited participants in this second edition of South, including the 281 accredited journalists, belonging to a total of 117 national and 117 national and international media, who have shown an enormous interest in the day-to-day running of the Festival, with a total of 3066 media hits to date. 3066 impacts in the media, audited by Hallon, a leading company in media monitoring in our country, have a value of 51,417,000. with a value of 51.417.749 51,417,749 and a reachwith this news, of 522,379,379 people..
In the area of industryindustry, it should be noted that 88 speakers took part in the thirty or so activities scheduled at the Palacio de Congresos between October 28 and 30. activities that were programmed at the Palacio de CongresosThe events, which in more than more than 80% of the events were completely full, The interest that the accredited have found in these forums that have counted with the presence of representatives of audiovisual markets, not only Spain, but also the United States, United Kingdom, Belgium and France.
All this has made possible a second edition of South that has brought together some of the most notable exponents of the audiovisual sector, including more than two hundred personalities of the field they have paraded last October at the photocall of La Caleta or the carpet of the Palacio de Congresos, like María Adánez, David Shore and Can Yamanits 2024 award winners, as well as many others such as Carlos Areces, Leonor Walting, Javier Gutiérrez, Andrea Duro, Óscar Casas, Marta Hazas, Eduardo Strauch, Eva Ugarte, Malcolm Treviño-Sitté, Itziar Ituño, Mario Conde, Carles Porta, Diego San José, Niña Pastori, Salva Reina, Amaia Salamanca, Maxi Iglesias, Laura Caballero, Martiño Rivas, Numa Paredes, Nacho Guerreros, Nathalie Seseña, Nacho Fresneda, Marta Poveda o Dani Mantero.
South International Series Festival is a private initiative, which in its II edition has been co-financed by the co-financed by the Feder Andalucía 2021-2027 Program and the Junta de Andalucía, and has counted with the Cádiz City Council and the Cadiz Provincial Council as official entities. South would like to express its special thanks to all of them, as well as to Mediaset España who has been his media sponsor; al Ministry of Culture of the Government of Spain for their support; to Movistar Plus+, Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Cádiz, Spain Film Commission, Fundación Unicaja, Andalucía Film Comission y Rims Mobility who have been their sponsors; to Canal Sur Radio and Television, Iberia y Restless Culture who have been partners of the event, in addition to a CREA SGR, for its financing, and to Renfe, which has been its Official Train.