Virginia Yagüe

Virginia Yagüe

Virginia Yagüe has an extensive professional career as creator and screenwriter of television series in Spain such as “La Señora” and “14 de Abril: La República”, “Amar en Tiempos Revueltos” (TP de Oro a la mejor Telenovela 2012, Premio Ondas 2008 and Silver Medal for Best Drama Series at the New York Festival 2007), the tv movie “Prim, el asesinato de la Calle del Turco” (Silver Globe at the World Media Festival in Hamburg and Gold Medal Best TV Movie at NY International Festival 2015) and “Amar es Para Siempre” (Alma Award for Best Daily Series 2019 and 2022). Among his latest works as a screenwriter is the miniseries “Invisible” for Diney+ and his participation in the series “Operación Barrio Inglés” for TVE, both of which are soon to be released.

In cinema, she won the Golden Biznaga at the Malaga Film Festival 2012 for the screenplay of the feature film “Els Nens Salvatges”, her third film after “Para que no me olvides” and her participation in the group films “En el mundo, a cada rato”, “Ellas son África” and “El tren de la libertad”. He is currently shooting the script for his latest feature film, entitled “Nosotros”.

Since June 2022, she has been president of DAMA (Gestión de Derechos de Medios Audiovisuales) and a member of the board of directors of the Film Academy in the specialty of screenwriting. He is a member of the Advisory Board of EWC (European Writers Club) and Board of Patrons in SAA (Society of Audiovisual Authors).

He combines his professional work with teaching work with specialized masterclasses in narrative and screenwriting technique in different schools, universities and screenwriting laboratories and has published several novels including “El Marqués” (Ed. Temas de hoy) and “La última princesa del pacífico” (Ed. Planeta).

Fabián Barrera

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