
On thin ice: Putin vs.Greenpeace (VOSE)

30 October, 2024
17:15 - 19:15
Sala 4. Palacio de Congresos

Official Non-Fiction Section

United Kingdom
Season 1


Episode 1 – 60′
Episode 2 – 60
OV in English with Spanish subtitles.
Image module


In the cold autumn of 2013, a Greenpeace team set out on a mission to highlight the dangers of oil drilling in the Arctic. This mission was to be a turning point for the environmental movement, but not in the way they had planned: their actions were met with a brutal response from the Russian authorities.

Watching the footage from that day (taken home on a memory card hidden in an
activist’s shoe), it is hard to believe that all those guns and helicopters were there to stop a peaceful protest against climate change. The disproportionate response is a powerful reminder of why these protests matter: polluters see Greenpeace and its supporters as a real threat to their profits.

This group of Greenpeace activists and journalists became known as the Arctic 30, and their story is told in the BBC series On Thin Ice: Putin versus Greenpeace.


Technical sheet

Country of production: United Kingdom
Format: 3×60
Direction: Chloe Campbell, Alice Mcmahon-Major
Producer: Clare Beavis
Executive Producer: Sunshine Jackson
Production company: Curve Media Ltd
International sales:
ITV www.itv.com


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