La que se avecina’ and ‘Muertos SL’, the two series of the Caballero brothers present their new seasons, with a dose of humor and lots of entertainment.

In the land of joy, Cadiz, comedy could only triumph. And that was the premise for two of the most anticipated series to be present on the third day of South International Series Festival. La que se avecina announced its fifteenth season and, in turn, that it will continue for two more seasons, that is to say, until 2027. An announcement that has excited its followers and that means that there is humor “for a while”, as its protagonists explained. The premieres brought together a large audience in the Auditorium of the Palacio de Congreso, provoking constant laughter, with the usual characters. The other comedy presented, which like the previous one has the creativity of Alberto and Laura Caballero, is the second season of Muertes SL. A black comedy that counted with the presence of the artistic team with Amaia Salamanca, Salva Reina and Adriana Torrebejano, among others. A series, as its creators themselves say, “with a special personality” that avoids the cliché that comedies are not made to think, only to laugh, “It’s a nice series to watch”, but they have tried to do something different, “but with the same result”. And for Movistar+ this bet also means playing with red lines that, for Alberto Caballero, “in comedy you should not have them because it deviates”. With Movistar+’s bet also and within the South section, as in the case of El hijo zurdo by Rafa Cobos, which also counted with the presence of its protagonist Numa Paredes. Another of the series presented to the public on this third day of the South was the French series Rivages. An environmental thriller that seeks to entertain while raising awareness of the reality arising from climate change. A third day that was covered with series such as Dieciocho or Nautilus that put on the table the high quality of works presented in the second edition of South.
South International Series Festival is a private initiative, co-financed by the Feder Andalucía 2021-2027 Program and the Junta de Andalucía, with the City Council of Cádiz and the Diputación de Cádiz as official entities. It also counts with the participation of Mediaset España as media sponsor; Movistar Plus+, Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz and Spain Film Commission, Unicaja Foundation, Andalucía Film Commission and Rims Mobility as sponsor; and with the collaboration of Canal Sur Radio and Television, Iberia and Cultura Inquieta, with the financing of CREA SGR , and with Renfe as Official Train.